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chereg- (Core Base root) (Free morpheme) (Pattern 8c i)

Meaning: soldier
(Gloss: soldier)

Etymology: From Mongolian цэрэг (tsereg).

Morpheme length: 5 (CH E E G R) • Number of morphemes: 1
Letter pattern: CVCVC • IPA: /tʃɛ.ɹɛɡ/ • Syllables: 2 (che•reg)

Default word class: Noun

Before b/ch/d/f/p: cheregoṛ · Before j: chereȷ́ • Before -e termison: cherèg · Before all other letters: chereg
Noun (Sentient)
Category ♂ Masculine ♀ Feminine ⚲ Neuter
Singular cherego cherega cherège
Dual cheregouso cheregousa cheregouse
Plural cheregos cheregas cherèges
Definite Singular chereglo cheregla chereglé
Dual cheregouslo cheregousla cheregouslé
Plural chereglos chereglas chereglés
Indefinite Singular chereguno chereguna cheregune
Plural cheregunos cheregunas cheregunes
Singular chereguom- chereguam- chereg-
Dual chereguov- chereguav- cheregouz-
Plural chereguos- chereguas- chereguez-
Older Singular cheregodro cheregodra cheregodré
Dual cheregodrouso cheregodrousa cheregodrouse
Plural cheregodros cheregodras cheregodrés
Younger Singular cheregodredo cheregodreda cheregodrède
Dual cheregodredouso cheregodredousa cheregodredouse
Plural cheregodredos cheregodredas cheregodrèdes
Juvenile Singular cheregedo cheregeda cheregède
Dual cheregedouso cheregedousa cheregedouse
Plural cheregedos cheregedas cheregèdes
Adolescent Singular cheregeshoando cheregeshoanda cheregeshoande
Dual cheregeshoandouso cheregeshoandousa cheregeshoandouse
Plural cheregeshoandos cheregeshoandas cheregeshoandes
Adult Singular cheregeushelo cheregeushela cheregeushèle
Dual cheregeushelouso cheregeushelousa cheregeushelouse
Plural cheregeushelos cheregeushelas cheregeushèles
Geriatric Singular cheregeldo cheregelda cheregelde
Dual cheregeldouso cheregeldousa cheregeldouse
Plural cheregeldos cheregeldas cheregeldes
Diminutive Singular cheregeto cheregeta cheregète
Dual cheregetouso cheregetousa cheregetouse
Plural cheregetos cheregetas cheregètes
Medial Singular cheregeado cheregeada cheregeade
Dual cheregeadouso cheregeadousa cheregeadouse
Plural cheregeados cheregeadas cheregeades
Augmentative Singular cheregardo cheregarda cheregarde
Dual cheregardouso cheregardousa cheregardouse
Plural cheregardos cheregardas cheregardes
Declension (8c i)
Singular Dual Plural
Absolutive (abs) Subject cherège cheregouse cherèges
Topic cheregeune cheregouseune cheregeunes
Ergative (erg)

cheregiebe cheregousiebe cheregiebes
Appositive (app)

cheregerije cheregouserije cheregerijes
Dative (dat)

cheregade cheregousade cheregades
Partitive (part)

cheregunète cheregousunète cheregunètes
Vocative (voc) Familiar cheregté cheregousté cheregtés
Formal cheregusté cheregöubusté cheregustés
Locative (loc)

cheregad- cheregouzad- chereguezad-
Genitive (gen) Inalienable cheregoz- cheregöuboz- cheregüeboz-
Alienable cheregorz- cheregöuborz- cheregüeborz-
Proprietive (prop) Inalienable cheregzol- cheregouzzol- chereguezzol-
Alienable cheregten- cheregouśten- cheregueśten-
Instrumental/Vialis (instr/via)

cheregemek- cheregouzemek- chereguezemek-
Utilitive (util)

cheregaurd- cheregouzaurd- chereguezaurd-
Comitative (com)

cheregaseb- cheregöutaseb- cheregüetaseb-
Conjunctive (cnj)

cheregauvek- cheregouzauvek- chereguezauvek-
Originative (ogn)

cheregesil- cheregöubesil- cheregüebesil-
Terminative (term) Temporal chereguskem- cheregöubuskem- cheregüebuskem-
Spatial cheregäffuind- cheregouzäffuind- chereguezäffuind-
Lative (lat)

cheregaup- cheregouzaup- chereguezaup-
Allative (all)

cheregäuvv- cheregouzäuvv- chereguezäuvv-
Inessive (ine)

cheregint- cheregouzint- chereguezint-
Illative (ill)

cheregïnvv- cheregouzïnvv- chereguezïnvv-
Exessive (exe)

cheregtug- cheregouśtug- cheregueśtug-
Elative (ela)

cheregtüvv- cheregouśtüvv- cheregueśtüvv-
Adessive (ade)

cheregiāk- cheregouziāk- cheregueziāk-
Apudessive (apud)

cheregoṛproxim- cheregouśproxim- cheregueśproxim-
Altessive (alt)

cheregault- cheregouzault- chereguezault-
Subessive (sube)

cheregulem- cheregouzulem- chereguezulem-
Precursive (pcv)

cheregoṛprev- cheregouśprev- cheregueśprev-
Postcursive (pos)

cheregaprev- cheregouzaprev- chereguezaprev-
Abessive (abe)

cheregond- cheregouzond- chereguezond-
Distributive (dist)

cheregaivad- cheregouzaivad- chereguezaivad-
Propositive (pro)

cheregaubog- cheregouzaubog- chereguezaubog-
Oppositive (opp/anti)

cheregopoam- cheregouzopoam- chereguezopoam-
Contrastive (crs)

cheregoṛpotal- cheregouśpotal- cheregueśpotal-
Essive (ess)

cheregnand- cheregouśnand- cheregueśnand-
Translative (trsl)

cheregiz- cheregöubiz- cheregüebiz-
Semblative/Formal (sembl/form)

cheregoid- cheregouzoid- chereguezoid-
Similative (simil)

cheregausik- cheregöubausik- cheregüebausik-
Identical (idt)

cheregaibem- cheregouzaibem- chereguezaibem-
Comparative/Equative (cmpr/equ)

cheregkuem- cheregouśkuem- cheregueśkuem-
Referential (ref)

cheregoṛprin- cheregouśprin- cheregueśprin-
Note: Not all case endings may apply to this root. As such, some or most forms shown above may be hypothetical.
Added on: 2021-11-11, 18:50View semantic data