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poarg- (Core Base root) (Free morpheme) (Pattern 8a)

Meaning: guinea pig, cavy
(Gloss: guinea_pig)

Etymology: Natively coined in Tovasala.

Morpheme length: 5 (A G O P R) • Number of morphemes: 1
Letter pattern: CDCC • IPA: /poʊɹɡ/ • Syllables: 1 (poarg)

Default word class: Noun

Before b/ch/d/f/p: poargoṛ · Before j: poarȷ́ · Before all other letters: poarg
Noun (Sentient)
Category ♂ Masculine ♀ Feminine ⚲ Neuter
Singular poargo poarga poargé
Dual poargouso poargousa poargouse
Plural poargos poargas poargés
Definite Singular poarglo poargla poarglé
Dual poargouslo poargousla poargouslé
Plural poarglos poarglas poarglés
Indefinite Singular poarguno poarguna poargune
Plural poargunos poargunas poargunes
Singular poarguom- poarguam- poarg-
Dual poarguov- poarguav- poargouz-
Plural poarguos- poarguas- poarguez-
Older Singular poargodro poargodra poargodré
Dual poargodrouso poargodrousa poargodrouse
Plural poargodros poargodras poargodrés
Younger Singular poargodredo poargodreda poargodrède
Dual poargodredouso poargodredousa poargodredouse
Plural poargodredos poargodredas poargodrèdes
Newborn Singular poargebo poargeba poargèbe
Dual poargebouso poargebousa poargebouse
Plural poargebos poargebas poargèbes
Juvenile Singular poargedo poargeda poargède
Dual poargedouso poargedousa poargedouse
Plural poargedos poargedas poargèdes
Adolescent Singular poargeshoando poargeshoanda poargeshoande
Dual poargeshoandouso poargeshoandousa poargeshoandouse
Plural poargeshoandos poargeshoandas poargeshoandes
Adult Singular poargeushelo poargeushela poargeushèle
Dual poargeushelouso poargeushelousa poargeushelouse
Plural poargeushelos poargeushelas poargeushèles
Geriatric Singular poargeldo poargelda poargelde
Dual poargeldouso poargeldousa poargeldouse
Plural poargeldos poargeldas poargeldes
Diminutive Singular poargeto poargeta poargète
Dual poargetouso poargetousa poargetouse
Plural poargetos poargetas poargètes
Medial Singular poargeado poargeada poargeade
Dual poargeadouso poargeadousa poargeadouse
Plural poargeados poargeadas poargeades
Augmentative Singular poargardo poargarda poargarde
Dual poargardouso poargardousa poargardouse
Plural poargardos poargardas poargardes
Declension (8a)
Singular Dual Plural
Absolutive (abs) Subject poargé poargouse poargés
Topic poargeune poargouseune poargeunes
Ergative (erg)

poargiebe poargousiebe poargiebes
Appositive (app)

poargerije poargouserije poargerijes
Dative (dat)

poargade poargousade poargades
Partitive (part)

poargunète poargousunète poargunètes
Vocative (voc) Familiar poargté poargousté poargtés
Formal poargusté poargöubusté poargustés
Locative (loc)

poargad- poargouzad- poarguezad-
Genitive (gen) Inalienable poargoz- poargöuboz- poargüeboz-
Alienable poargorz- poargöuborz- poargüeborz-
Proprietive (prop) Inalienable poargzol- poargouzzol- poarguezzol-
Alienable poargten- poargouśten- poargueśten-
Instrumental/Vialis (instr/via)

poargemek- poargouzemek- poarguezemek-
Utilitive (util)

poargaurd- poargouzaurd- poarguezaurd-
Comitative (com)

poargaseb- poargöutaseb- poargüetaseb-
Conjunctive (cnj)

poargauvek- poargouzauvek- poarguezauvek-
Originative (ogn)

poargesil- poargöubesil- poargüebesil-
Terminative (term) Temporal poarguskem- poargöubuskem- poargüebuskem-
Spatial poargäffuind- poargouzäffuind- poarguezäffuind-
Lative (lat)

poargaup- poargouzaup- poarguezaup-
Allative (all)

poargäuvv- poargouzäuvv- poarguezäuvv-
Inessive (ine)

poargint- poargouzint- poarguezint-
Illative (ill)

poargïnvv- poargouzïnvv- poarguezïnvv-
Exessive (exe)

poargtug- poargouśtug- poargueśtug-
Elative (ela)

poargtüvv- poargouśtüvv- poargueśtüvv-
Adessive (ade)

poargiāk- poargouziāk- poargueziāk-
Apudessive (apud)

poargoṛproxim- poargouśproxim- poargueśproxim-
Altessive (alt)

poargault- poargouzault- poarguezault-
Subessive (sube)

poargulem- poargouzulem- poarguezulem-
Precursive (pcv)

poargoṛprev- poargouśprev- poargueśprev-
Postcursive (pos)

poargaprev- poargouzaprev- poarguezaprev-
Abessive (abe)

poargond- poargouzond- poarguezond-
Distributive (dist)

poargaivad- poargouzaivad- poarguezaivad-
Propositive (pro)

poargaubog- poargouzaubog- poarguezaubog-
Oppositive (opp/anti)

poargopoam- poargouzopoam- poarguezopoam-
Contrastive (crs)

poargoṛpotal- poargouśpotal- poargueśpotal-
Essive (ess)

poargnand- poargouśnand- poargueśnand-
Translative (trsl)

poargiz- poargöubiz- poargüebiz-
Semblative/Formal (sembl/form)

poargoid- poargouzoid- poarguezoid-
Similative (simil)

poargausik- poargöubausik- poargüebausik-
Identical (idt)

poargaibem- poargouzaibem- poarguezaibem-
Comparative/Equative (cmpr/equ)

poargkuem- poargouśkuem- poargueśkuem-
Referential (ref)

poargoṛprin- poargouśprin- poargueśprin-
Note: Not all case endings may apply to this root. As such, some or most forms shown above may be hypothetical.
Added on: 2021-10-12, 00:53View semantic data