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t- (Core Base root) (Free morpheme) (Pattern R2/1g iii)

Meaning: you, your, yours (familiar); vocative case marker (familiar)
(Gloss: 2.fam, voc.fam)

Etymology: From Latin/French/Spanish tu.

Morpheme length: 1 (T) • Number of morphemes: 1
Letter pattern: C • IPA: /t/ • Syllables: 1 (t)

Default word class: Pronoun

Before consonants: ti · Before vowels, r, or w: t · After d: dh
Pronoun / Determiner
Inflections ♂ Masculine ♀ Feminine ⚲ Neuter
Singular Subject (nom) to ta t'
Object (acc) tio tia tié ti(o/a/é) ń-
Indirect (dat) tado tada tadé tad(o/a/é) ń-
Reflexive sebto sebta sebté sebt(o/a/é) ń-
Reflexive Emphatic seblito seblita seblité seblit(o/a/é) ń-
Plural Subject (nom) tos tas tés
Object (acc) tios tias tiés
Indirect (dat) tados tadas tadés
Reflexive sebtos sebtas sebtés
Reflexive Emphatic seblitos seblitas seblités
Possessive suffixoids
Gender Number
Singular Dual Plural
Inalienable Alienable Inalienable Alienable Inalienable Alienable
Masculine oanit oangit oanbit oanobit oansit oanosit
Feminine aunit aungit aunbit aunobit aunsit aunosit
Neuter init ingit inbit inobit insit inosit
Declension (R2/1g iii)
Singular Dual Plural
Nominative (nom) Subject touse tés
Topic teune touseune teunes
Accusative (acc)

tié tousie tiés
Appositive (app)

terije touserije terijes
Dative (dat)

tadé tousade tadés
Partitive (part)

tunète tousunète tunètes
Vocative (voc) Familiar
Locative (loc)

tad- touzad- tuezad-
Proprietive (prop) Inalienable tizol- touzzol- tuezzol-
Alienable toten- touśten- tueśten-
Instrumental/Vialis (instr/via)

temek- touzemek- tuezemek-
Utilitive (util)

taurd- touzaurd- tuezaurd-
Comitative (com)

taseb- töutaseb- tüetaseb-
Conjunctive (cnj)

tauvek- touzauvek- tuezauvek-
Originative (ogn)

tesil- töubesil- tüebesil-
Terminative (term) Temporal tuskem- töubuskem- tüebuskem-
Spatial täffuind- touzäffuind- tuezäffuind-
Lative (lat)

taup- touzaup- tuezaup-
Allative (all)

täuvv- touzäuvv- tuezäuvv-
Inessive (ine)

tint- touzint- tuezint-
Illative (ill)

tïnvv- touzïnvv- tuezïnvv-
Exessive (exe)

totug- touśtug- tueśtug-
Elative (ela)

totüvv- touśtüvv- tueśtüvv-
Adessive (ade)

tiāk- touziāk- tueziāk-
Apudessive (apud)

tiproxim- touśproxim- tueśproxim-
Altessive (alt)

tault- touzault- tuezault-
Subessive (sube)

tulem- touzulem- tuezulem-
Precursive (pcv)

tiprev- touśprev- tueśprev-
Postcursive (pos)

taprev- touzaprev- tuezaprev-
Abessive (abe)

tond- touzond- tuezond-
Distributive (dist)

taivad- touzaivad- tuezaivad-
Propositive (pro)

taubog- touzaubog- tuezaubog-
Oppositive (opp/anti)

topoam- touzopoam- tuezopoam-
Contrastive (crs)

tipotal- touśpotal- tueśpotal-
Essive (ess)

tnand- touśnand- tueśnand-
Translative (trsl)

tiz- töubiz- tüebiz-
Semblative/Formal (sembl/form)

toid- touzoid- tuezoid-
Similative (simil)

tausik- töubausik- tüebausik-
Identical (idt)

taibem- touzaibem- tuezaibem-
Comparative/Equative (cmpr/equ)

tikuem- touśkuem- tueśkuem-
Referential (ref)

tiprin- touśprin- tueśprin-
Note: Not all case endings may apply to this root. As such, some or most forms shown above may be hypothetical.
Added on: 2021-08-21, 07:23View semantic data