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teshep- (Core Base root) (Free morpheme) (Pattern R2/2a i a)

Meaning: springbok
(Gloss: springbok)

Etymology: From Tswana tshêpê.

Morpheme length: 6 (E E H P S T) • Number of morphemes: 1
Letter pattern: CVCVC • IPA: /tɛ.ʃɛp/ • Syllables: 2 (te•shep)

Default word class: Noun

Before After
d j All other morphemes
-e termison dheshèp jheshèp teshèp
All other morphemes dheshep jheshep teshep
Noun (Sentient)
Category ♂ Masculine ♀ Feminine ⚲ Neuter
Singular teshepo teshepa teshèpe
Dual teshepouso teshepousa teshepouse
Plural teshepos teshepas teshèpes
Definite Singular tesheplo teshepla tesheplé
Dual teshepouslo teshepousla teshepouslé
Plural tesheplos tesheplas tesheplés
Indefinite Singular teshepuno teshepuna teshepune
Plural teshepunos teshepunas teshepunes
Singular teshepuom- teshepuam- teshep-
Dual teshepuov- teshepuav- teshepouz-
Plural teshepuos- teshepuas- teshepuez-
Older Singular teshepodro teshepodra teshepodré
Dual teshepodrouso teshepodrousa teshepodrouse
Plural teshepodros teshepodras teshepodrés
Younger Singular teshepodredo teshepodreda teshepodrède
Dual teshepodredouso teshepodredousa teshepodredouse
Plural teshepodredos teshepodredas teshepodrèdes
Newborn Singular teshepebo teshepeba teshepèbe
Dual teshepebouso teshepebousa teshepebouse
Plural teshepebos teshepebas teshepèbes
Juvenile Singular teshepedo teshepeda teshepède
Dual teshepedouso teshepedousa teshepedouse
Plural teshepedos teshepedas teshepèdes
Adult Singular teshepeushelo teshepeushela teshepeushèle
Dual teshepeushelouso teshepeushelousa teshepeushelouse
Plural teshepeushelos teshepeushelas teshepeushèles
Geriatric Singular teshepeldo teshepelda teshepelde
Dual teshepeldouso teshepeldousa teshepeldouse
Plural teshepeldos teshepeldas teshepeldes
Diminutive Singular teshepeto teshepeta teshepète
Dual teshepetouso teshepetousa teshepetouse
Plural teshepetos teshepetas teshepètes
Medial Singular teshepeado teshepeada teshepeade
Dual teshepeadouso teshepeadousa teshepeadouse
Plural teshepeados teshepeadas teshepeades
Augmentative Singular teshepardo tesheparda tesheparde
Dual teshepardouso teshepardousa teshepardouse
Plural teshepardos teshepardas teshepardes
Declension (R2/2a i a)
Singular Dual Plural
Absolutive (abs) Subject teshèpe teshepouse teshèpes
Topic teshepeune teshepouseune teshepeunes
Ergative (erg)

teshepiebe teshepousiebe teshepiebes
Appositive (app)

tesheperije teshepouserije tesheperijes
Dative (dat)

teshepade teshepousade teshepades
Partitive (part)

teshepunète teshepousunète teshepunètes
Vocative (voc) Familiar teshepté teshepousté tesheptés
Formal teshepusté teshepöubusté teshepustés
Locative (loc)

teshepad- teshepouzad- teshepuezad-
Genitive (gen) Inalienable teshepoz- teshepöuboz- teshepüeboz-
Alienable tesheporz- teshepöuborz- teshepüeborz-
Proprietive (prop) Inalienable teshepzol- teshepouzzol- teshepuezzol-
Alienable teshepten- teshepouśten- teshepueśten-
Instrumental/Vialis (instr/via)

teshepemek- teshepouzemek- teshepuezemek-
Utilitive (util)

teshepaurd- teshepouzaurd- teshepuezaurd-
Comitative (com)

teshepaseb- teshepöutaseb- teshepüetaseb-
Conjunctive (cnj)

teshepauvek- teshepouzauvek- teshepuezauvek-
Originative (ogn)

teshepesil- teshepöubesil- teshepüebesil-
Terminative (term) Temporal teshepuskem- teshepöubuskem- teshepüebuskem-
Spatial teshepäffuind- teshepouzäffuind- teshepuezäffuind-
Lative (lat)

teshepaup- teshepouzaup- teshepuezaup-
Allative (all)

teshepäuvv- teshepouzäuvv- teshepuezäuvv-
Inessive (ine)

teshepint- teshepouzint- teshepuezint-
Illative (ill)

teshepïnvv- teshepouzïnvv- teshepuezïnvv-
Exessive (exe)

tesheptug- teshepouśtug- teshepueśtug-
Elative (ela)

tesheptüvv- teshepouśtüvv- teshepueśtüvv-
Adessive (ade)

teshepiāk- teshepouziāk- teshepueziāk-
Apudessive (apud)

teshepproxim- teshepouśproxim- teshepueśproxim-
Altessive (alt)

teshepault- teshepouzault- teshepuezault-
Subessive (sube)

teshepulem- teshepouzulem- teshepuezulem-
Precursive (pcv)

teshepprev- teshepouśprev- teshepueśprev-
Postcursive (pos)

teshepaprev- teshepouzaprev- teshepuezaprev-
Abessive (abe)

teshepond- teshepouzond- teshepuezond-
Distributive (dist)

teshepaivad- teshepouzaivad- teshepuezaivad-
Propositive (pro)

teshepaubog- teshepouzaubog- teshepuezaubog-
Oppositive (opp/anti)

teshepopoam- teshepouzopoam- teshepuezopoam-
Contrastive (crs)

tesheppotal- teshepouśpotal- teshepueśpotal-
Essive (ess)

teshepnand- teshepouśnand- teshepueśnand-
Translative (trsl)

teshepiz- teshepöubiz- teshepüebiz-
Semblative/Formal (sembl/form)

teshepoid- teshepouzoid- teshepuezoid-
Similative (simil)

teshepausik- teshepöubausik- teshepüebausik-
Identical (idt)

teshepaibem- teshepouzaibem- teshepuezaibem-
Comparative/Equative (cmpr/equ)

teshepkuem- teshepouśkuem- teshepueśkuem-
Referential (ref)

teshepprin- teshepouśprin- teshepueśprin-
Note: Not all case endings may apply to this root. As such, some or most forms shown above may be hypothetical.
Added on: 2022-11-18, 11:13View semantic data